How to Ask for a Testimonial Now!

 "Boost Your Business with Powerful Client Feedback: Learn How to Ask for a Testimonial Now!"

Research shows that 54% of Americans consider online feedback before purchasing.

So it is clear that testimonials are essential to growing your business. But asking your customers for testimonials can take time and effort. It's hard to know what to say, who to ask, and how to make the process go smoothly.

However, there are ways to make the process simpler. In this blog post, we will explore about how to ask for a testimonial and make the process easy for you.

Let’s dive into it!

What is a testimonial?

In Brief, A testimonial is a statement by a satisfied customer about a product or service.

A consumer, user, or industry expert might provide a testimonial in the form of a quote, video, audio clip, or statement of endorsement. It is intended to represent the viewpoint of one individual about you and your company. 

It is essential to use selectivity while approaching potential customers to collect testimonials for your company. Make sure that the people you ask for their opinion are genuinely qualified to give it.

The right time to ask for a testimonial

The right time to ask for a testimonial is when your client is happy with your work. This could be after you've completed a project or even just after a successful meeting. If your client is pleased with what you've done, don't be afraid to ask them for a testimonial.

Testimonials can be effective marketing tools, so getting them is crucial while your client still feels optimistic about your work. If you wait too long, they may forget the excellent experience they had with you and be less likely to write a positive testimonial.

Why should you ask for testimonials?

According to research by Vendasta, An online review is more likely to motivate 50% of consumers than a discount offer.

You can leverage substantial credibility by putting together some compelling testimonials with feedback from real customers.

They are incredibly effective methods for enhancing your branding. Testimonials increase your company's reputation. And as you know, people won't do business with you if they don't trust you and consider you credible. 

In addition, to the advantages of testimonials for your business, there are also several benefits to asking for testimonials from your customers. Here are some of the top reasons why you should ask for testimonials.

1. Increase Customer Loyalty: If customers feel valued and appreciated, they will be more likely to remain loyal to your business. Asking for customer testimonials is a great way to show customers that you value their opinion, which can help to increase customer loyalty and repeat business.

2. Boost Your Brand Reputation: Testimonials provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your brand’s positive attributes. When customers share positive experiences, it can help to boost your brand’s reputation and attract new customers.

3. Improve Your Products or Services: Testimonials can provide valuable feedback on improving your products or services. Customers can give insight into what features they enjoyed or disliked or what needs improvement.

4. It increases customer conversion rate: When it comes to increasing your conversion rate, there is no better way than to get a testimonial from a satisfied customer. Testimonials are one of the most powerful tools to increase your conversion rate because they provide social proof that your product or service is valuable. 

When potential customers see that others have succeeded with your product or service, they are much more likely to convert. Furthermore, testimonials can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers, which is essential for increasing conversions. 

If you still need to ask for testimonials from satisfied customers, now is the time to start. Asking for a testimonial can be as simple as sending an email or asking in person. 

However, you'll want to ensure that you give your customers guidelines on what you're looking for. In general, the more specific and detailed the testimonial, the better. You'll also want to ensure that the testimonial is genuine and from a satisfied customer. If you follow these tips, you'll surely see an increase in your conversion rate in no time!

Ways To Ask For A Testimonial

Besides asking “how to ask for a testimonial,” you may want to know ‘how to ask for a testimonial’.

Let's explore how to ask for a testimonial to enhance your credibility and convert more visitors into ideal clients.

A potential client Visits your website and reads about all the beautiful things you can do for them. They are scrolling and scrolling!  Everything appears too nice to be accurate. How can they be sure that your claims are reliable? Can you genuinely assist them in the way you claim?

In this case, your testimonials can determine whether a potential customer leaves your website after viewing it or converts into a paying customer.

Here are some best ways to ask for a testimonial, That will help increase your response rate.

  • Ask Personally

Once you've done your job, ask for feedback directly. Inform your client that you've liked working with them and would welcome their opinion on the project's accomplishment. Inform them that you intend to publish the testimonial on your website or social media pages. Alternately, guide them to the platform you want them to use (if you want them to leave a review on Google, Twitter, Reddit, or LinkedIn, for example).

Still confused? No worries!

Suppose you work in a Saas company, and your company's name is ‘B’. You built a website for your client. After completing your task, you want to have excellent client feedback. In this case, you can ask for a testimonial this way:

‘Hey Richard, you're one of our best customers. I'm curious about how your experience with ‘B’ has gone so far. 

Would you mind sharing your happy experience with us?’

  • Email

Most of the people don’t know how to ask for a testimonial via email. This is one of the most efficient methods for requesting testimonials.

Typically, the campaigns consist of customer surveys. It is more straightforward and plain, comprising only a link to a page where the recipient can submit a review.

This should be at the top of your choice of methods if you're initially starting to request testimonials. According to research on customer reviews, up to 70% of feedback originates from post-transactional emails.

Here is an example, you can send emails to your client:

  • Social media

When customers are happy with your service, they will agree to give you a great review. You can request your client to tag your company or you on their social media and provide a statement of their happy experience.

Getting testimonials on social media is another possible method for obtaining organic feedback that can be immediately shared with current and potential customers.

There are no specific rules for getting customers to post testimonials on social media. However, I recommend you use your creativity and sound authentic, cordial, and emotionally engaging with your clients.

  • Ask for a video testimonial.

One of the most authentic aspects of getting a testimonial is letting customers speak their thoughts in a video. Include a link in an email to invite customers to record and submit a video testimonial.

This is difficult to fake. Also, a good video testimonial is interesting, receives people's attention, and helps to grow the website's engagement rate.

  • Assist Your Clients With Writing Testimonials

Customers have words about your brand, but sometimes they need clarification about correctly arranging their thoughts. So, in this case, you can collect their words by interviewing them and writing them in a short, tidy paragraph.

Where To Put Testimonials?

When it comes to testimonials, placement is key. You want your potential customers to see them, but you want them to be manageable. Here are a few ideas of where to put testimonials on your website:

-On your home page, in a prominent location

-On your product/service pages

-In a dedicated testimonials page

-In a popup or banner

If you have multiple testimonials, rotate them regularly so that visitors see different ones each time they come to your site. And make sure to showcase positive reviews from happy customers!

When new customers see your testimonials given by other clients, they will think about exploring your site more and buying from you.

What if you don't have a website?

No worries! There are various site builders available on the internet. You can create your site by using those builders. 

Here are some examples of popular site builders, Dorik, Squarespace, webflow, etc.

Another easy way is to organize your testimonial collection using pre-built UI blocks, so you don’t need to create a landing page. I saw some fantastic user-friendly Testimonial UI Blocks in Dorik. You can quickly put your client’s reviews on your site using them.


Is it better to have one long testimonial or several shorter ones?

It is better to have several shorter testimonials because they are easier for potential customers to read and digest. Also, shorter testimonials can be more impactful because they are direct and to the point.

How do I ensure that the testimonials I collect for my company are effective?

There are a few key things to remember when collecting testimonials for your company to ensure they are effective. First, be selective in who you ask for their opinion. Second, ensure the testimonials are relevant to your company and products/services. Finally, ensure that the testimonials are genuine and come from a place of trustworthiness.

How do I get a testimonial from an expert in my field?

When approaching an expert for a testimonial, it is essential to be professional and courteous. You may want to offer something in return for their time, such as a gift card or a discount on your products or services. Experts are often busy people, so respect their time and schedules.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, several testimonials can take your business from bottom to top. You need to maximize the relationship between you and your customers for this.

The more potential customers you reach, the better your chances of getting feedback. Just try to see things from the customer's point of view. They'll love that you care!
